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HYTSU GROUP - The world


     Due to the report of the MMH, the American authorized magazine, HYTSU is evaluated as The world's top 20 suppliers of industrial vehicles. In the global context of slow economic growth --- the total amount of forklifts’ shipment in 2009 reduced 39% --- HYTSU owns high appreciation from the customers by the first class of service and high quality of products 

      HYTSU, in the initial stage of development to proceed with the world, aiming at the international high-end market, always adhere to its own brand marketing strategy, continue to information technology and services to industrial manufacturing technology, quality and innovation, protection, to professional and cluster into a foundation, the implementation of the risk of a long term reversal of profitable, so that each employee involved in the company's development process and to share in the fruits of growth to form a company with higher labor efficiency, and constantly improve their overall competitiveness, improve self- , outstanding, and better serve our customers and society. 

      Revolution has not yet successful and comrades still work. HYTSU will step to a higher level and meet the requirements of our customers by our advanced products and service.


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